Getting an Eye Test in Hobart: What to Expect

Hello, fellow residents of Hobart!

As an experienced optometrist, I’ve seen many eyes over the years.

I mean, that’s what I do, right?

Now, here’s the thing. Eye health is crucial.

And getting a regular comprehensive eye check-up isn’t a luxury – it’s an essential act of self-care.

So, if you’ve been mulling over the idea of getting a complete eye exam, here’s a friendly nudge, and a look at what to expect when you book an eye test in Hobart.

Glaucoma Testing

First off, let’s talk about glaucoma. It’s like that quiet neighbour who never makes a sound until, one day, you realise he’s been leeching your wifi for months. Sounds sinister, right? Well, it is.

Why it’s important:

Glaucoma can sneak up on you. By the time symptoms show up, some damage is often irreversible. Regular checks can help catch this issue early, preventing potential blindness.

Tests involved:

Tonometry: It measures your eye pressure. High pressure can indicate a risk of glaucoma, so it’s a crucial part of the testing process.

Visual field test: Imagine you’re looking at a beautiful Hobart sunset from across The Derwent. This test checks if you can see it in full glory, even from the corners of your eyes. If there are blank spots, it could indicate glaucoma.

Optic nerve imaging: A bit like taking your eye’s photograph. Only more technical and less “Instagrammable”. It helps us determine if there’s any damage to the nerve.

Personal Opinion: I consider the glaucoma test as the vigilant “sentry guard” of all the eye tests. It’s your early warning system.



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Lenses Upgrade

Eye checkup for cataracts.

Cataract Detection

If the world starts to look like you’re viewing it through a frosted window, cataracts might be crashing your visual party.

Why it’s important:

Cataracts cloud your lens. And, as beautiful as clouds can be, you don’t want them in your eyes. They can severely diminish your quality of vision over time.

Tests involved:

Slit-lamp examination: I use a special light to look for abnormalities. This allows me to detect even the earliest signs of cataracts.

Retinal examination: After dilating your pupils with some drops, we check the lens. It provides a clear view of the back of the eye, ensuring no cataract formation.

Visual acuity test: How sharp is your vision? Let’s find out. This helps in understanding how much the cataract has affected your eyesight.

Personal Opinion: Cataracts are like uninvited guests. The earlier you spot them, the better. I’ve seen firsthand how detection can change lives.


Diabetes and its Effect on Eyes

We all know that too much Hazelnut Crunch from the House of Fudge (Salamanca Market in Hobart each Saturday) can be punishing on our waistlines.

But all that sugar matters for your eyes, too. Diabetes is the health condition that just keeps on giving ???? .

Why it’s important:

Diabetes can lead to retinopathy. That means damage to the blood vessels of the retina, and trust me, you want that retina in top shape. It’s one of the primary causes of blindness in diabetic patients.

Tests involved:

Fundus photography: Capturing the retina’s images. This provides a clear view of any abnormalities caused by diabetes.

Optical coherence tomography: This one’s cool; layer-by-layer imaging of your retina. It helps in identifying any swelling or fluid leakage.

Fluorescein angiography: Checking out your eye’s blood vessels. This test can reveal if any blood vessels are blocked or leaking fluid.

Personal Opinion: A sugar problem is not just about dropping a bikini size for summer; it’s about preserving those peepers. This set of eye tests is super important if you’ve already got diabetes or if it runs in your family.


Eye test in Hobart, Tasmania.

Macula Degeneration Testing

The macula is the central part of your retina. It’s crucial for your eyesight.

Why it’s important:

Macula degeneration can mess with your central vision. Reading, recognizing faces, and driving become, well, problematic. If untreated, it can lead to irreversible vision loss.

Tests involved:

Amsler grid test: Can you see a dot in the centre of a grid? If it’s wavy or missing, we’ve got a clue. It’s an early sign of macular problems.

Dilated eye examination: We look deep into the back of your eye. This helps in identifying any changes in the macula.

Fluorescein angiography: Yep, we’re checking those blood vessels again. It’s vital to ensure there’s no leakage harming the macula.

Personal Opinion: Your central vision is a big deal. I’ve seen folks struggle when the macula acts up. Regular checks are a must, especially as you age.


Dry Eye Assessment

It’s exactly what it sounds like. Dry eyes, which are, well, dry and often uncomfortable.

Why it’s important:

Dry eyes might sound tame, but they can be downright irritating. They can also lead to more significant problems, including infections or even scars on the corneas.

Tests involved:

Schirmer’s test: Measuring if your eyes are making enough tears. A low tear production can lead to dry eyes.

Tear breakup time: We see how long your tear film lasts before it breaks up. If it breaks up quickly, it indicates the tears aren’t of the right quality.

Osmolarity test: Sounds complex, but it’s basically checking the saltiness of your tears. An imbalance can be an indication of dry eyes.

Personal Opinion: Dry eyes can be a serious bother. A quick assessment can make daily life so much more comfortable.


How Martin’s Eyecare Does Eye Tests in Hobart

We run all these tests and more. In fact, we are one of only two optometrists in Tasmania that possess Oculus Keratograph Tear Analysis equipment from Germany for dry eye analysis.

But we aren’t just about the latest tech. Far from it.

In fact, Martin’s Eyecare was the 2022 Championing Health Award Winner (Telstra Best of Business Awards), a recognition we proudly achieved thanks to our commitment to tailored patient care.

Every patient interaction is our chance to continue that reputation. We love what we do – serving people such as yourself on a very personal level.

But having some of the very best eye examination equipment in Tasmania is cool, too!


In Conclusion…

Eye health is not just about seeing clearly, it’s about living fully.

Some of these tests may seem a bit beyond the quick turnaround you’ve probably experienced during one of your more routine eye tests in Hobart.

But they are all important and they’re all designed with one goal in mind: ensuring those incredible gifts – your eyes – stay in tip-top shape.

It really is a blessing to have peace of mind about the health of your eyes.

And remember, in the beautiful words of someone I once met – “The eyes are the window to the soul. Best to keep that window clean, yeah?”


Book your eye test in Hobart with us today at Martin’s Eyecare.

Call (03) 6272 8423 or use the “Book Appointment” button below.

– Martin Robinson, Optometrist & Owner.



Martin Robinson, optometrist in Hobart.